Eye of the Storm (6p)

Blue Red Yellow Green
Win Rate: 0% 0% 0% 0%
Relative Win Rate: -44% -37% -33% -39%
End Pop: 85 82 82 96
Latest Games:
Eye of the Storm) [Rw]Jops + Shakur + Chase_TN - vs - [Rw]Ninety + Draco7 + Mowgli Eye of the Storm) TheMrSpySir + bignoobmanfr + Bockwurstlaune - vs - [AsG]Jimmyhunter1000 + BROADY_OP + [AsG]Sky- Eye of the Storm) TheMrSpySir + bignoobmanfr + Bockwurstlaune - vs - [AsG]Sky- + [AsG]Jimmyhunter1000 + BROADY_OP
Normal Allies:
Average Game Length:
17 minutes, 54 seconds
Games Played:
Total Time Spent:
4 days, 12 hours, 21 minutes, 27 seconds
Local Deaths: